Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

Dear Dental Hygiene Product Industry,
Please tone down the grossness of your ads. I get it: Brushing your teeth is important. Flossing is a necessary evil. Mouthwash will save the very soul of your teeth. I got it. We've all got it. We don't need such gross terms as "plaque-bugs" in our heads forever. Cause eww, gross.

Minty-Fresh amanda

Dear Across The Universe,
Have I told you lately that I love you?


Dear Psuedo-Rocker at Work,
Yes, you have have, in fact, mentioned that you're in a band. Every hour, on the hour, since the day we met. I do not suffer from short term memory loss. I know that you're in a band and that you just work at the bookstore for fun. But therein lies the problem. It's not fun. I know it, you know it, that guy hiding the porn in Christian Fiction knows it. Also, you're not actually working. You're standing around talking about your band. So, here's my advice. Shut up. Also, put this book where it goes. Oh, and to answer your question, yes, the books are in alphabetical order. No, by author. ...Author. It means the person who wro... you know what? On second thought just stand over there and be quiet.

Keep on Rockin!

Dear Guy Hiding Porn in the Christian Fiction Section,

Quit it.

The BAM Staff

Dear Heroes,
WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED? Why do you keep doing this to me? Can't we have any answers before you present more questions?

Confused, but still full of love,
PS. Thanks for all the Milo.

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