Saturday, May 03, 2008

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Dear The 1980's,
Don't think I don't see this comeback you're staging. Sure, it's subtle, but I know what's going on. I can see the signs. First Knightrider is back on primetime, Madonna's dancing around MTV in her underpants, and most notably New Kids On The Block are reuniting. This, I think, was a particularly low blow. However, it has brought Robert Downey, Jr. to my local theater in a starring role again, so admittedly it's not all bad.

But let's get one thing straight, the hair, in all it's Aqua-Net-ed glory, must STAY IN THE PAST. I think if we can agree on this, we'll all be alright. Because seriously, that hair? Gag me with a spoon.


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